Northern Ontario Plant Database
Northern Ontario Vegetation Type (V-type) Summaries
Central Ontario Vegetation Type (V-type)
New descriptions and images will be added to the website throughout the course of the project.
C-V1: Sugar Maple - Basswood - Leatherwood
C-V2: Sugar Maple - Beech - Striped Maple
C-V3: Sugar Maple - Red Oak - Beech - Striped Maple
C-V4: Sugar Maple - Basswood - Striped Maple - Herb Rich
C-V5: Sugar Maple - Red Oak - Basswood - Ironwood - Leatherwood- Bush Honeysuckle - Largeleaf Aster
C-V6: Red Oak - Sugar Maple - Ironwood - Fly Honeysuckle
C-V7: Black Ash - Hardwoods - Herb Rich
C-V8: White Cedar - Hardwoods - Fragrant Bedstraw - Herb Rich
C-V9: White Cedar - Hardwoods - Dwarf Raspberry - Mountain Maple - Herb Rich
C-V10: Sugar Maple - Yellow Birch - Spinulose Wood Fern
C-V11: Yellow Birch - Sugar Maple - White Spruce - White Cedar - Mountain Maple
C-V12: Sugar Maple - White Birch - Trembling Aspen - Red Maple - Balsam Fir Shrub
C-V13: Sugar Maple - White Birch - Red Maple - Fly Honeysuckle - Beaked Hazel
C-V14: White Birch - Red Maple - Trembling Aspen - Mountain Maple
C-V15: Sugar Maple - Hemlock - Yellow Birch - Red Maple - Striped Maple
C-V16: Sugar Maple - Hemlock - Yellow Birch - Striped Maple
C-V17: Sugar Maple - Hemlock - Striped Maple
C-V18: Hemlock - Yellow Birch - GoldThread - Wood Sorrel
C-V19: Hemlock - Spinulose Wood Fern - Herb Poor
C-V20: Trembling Aspen - Balsam Poplar - Speckled Alder
C-V21: White Cedar - Trembling Aspen - White Spruce - Twinflower
C-V22: Trembling Aspen - White Birch - White Spruce - Dwarf Raspberry
C-V23: White Birch - White Pine - Trembling Aspen - Beaked Hazel - Mountain Maple
C-V24: Trembling Aspen - White Birch - Jack Pine - Black Spruce - Bush Honeysuckle - Blueberry - Feathermoss
C-V25: Trembling Aspen - White Birch - White Spruce - White Pine - Red Pine - Beaked Hazel - Mountain Maple
C-V26: Balsam Fir - White Spruce - Balsam Fir Shrub - Bush Honeysuckle
C-V27: White Pine - White Birch - Red Oak - Largetooth Aspen - Bracken Fern
C-V28: Largetooth Aspen - White Pine - Red Oak - Red Maple - Blueberry - Wintergreen
C-V29: White Pine - Red Pine - Beaked Hazel - Bracken Fern - Bush Honeysuckle
C-V30: Red Pine - White Pine - Jack Pine - Blueberry - Feathermoss
C-V31: Red Pine - White Pine - Jack Pine - Largetooth Aspen - White Pine Shrub - Wintergreen
C-V32: White Pine - Red Pine - Blueberry - Feathermoss - Lichen
C-V33: Jack Pine - Blueberry - Feathermoss - Lichen
C-V34: White Pine - Red Oak - Bracken Fern - Wintergreen
C-V35: Black Spruce - Tamarack - White Cedar - Goldthread - Sphagnum
C-V36: Black Spruce - White Cedar - Balsam Fir - Northern Wild Raisin - Sphagnum
C-V37: Black Spruce - White Cedar - Balsam Fir - Mountain Maple - Creeping Snowberry
C-V38: White Cedar - Goldthread - Sphagnum
C-V39: Black Spruce - Jack Pine - Trembling Aspen - White Birch - Blueberry - Feathermoss
C-V40: Black Spruce - Jack Pine - Red Pine - White Pine - Blueberry - Feathermoss
C-V41: Black Spruce - Tamarack - Labrador Tea - Sphagnum